Saturday, 11 August 2012


In the year since I was made redundant I have done the following instead of going to an office for 7 hours a day 5 days a week -

Worked in a pub (never done it before)
Worked on several festivals as manual laborer or seeing if people are eligible to get back into Glastonbury after having lost a ticket.
Filled 100 sand bags with sand
Helped out a fair trade coffee stand I used to work for
Cleaned a music management office once a week for 20pounds a go while listening to loads of ace music
Listened to loads of ace music
Done a monthly podcast with people I used to buy cds of
Worked at a sustainable logging yard, helping prepare trees for cutting (I've used several power tools I've never even touched before)
Released an EP
Written an album
Played loads of gigs
Been involved in a tour
Doing another tour in a month or so
Made music for a computer game
Done some naughty naked things with a lovely girl
Made music for UCAS corporate videos
Sound design for a piece of theater in London
Met and spoken with lots of friends during the week, when no one else is around
Enjoyed the sun when no one else is around
Appreciated that happiness in life can come from just talking to people and success isn't something you have to measure in terms of career - although that's cool as well
Drank lots of coffee and written bollocks on my MAC like a wanker
Done some drawing
Seen a wicked tree
Gone for walks
Cooked things I haven't cooked before.

I'm not saying that everyone should quit their job - I'm just saying

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